About Us

Established in 2017, we began our journey with a focus on business intelligence services, utilizing advanced analytics to provide actionable intelligence solutions. Our expertise in transforming complex data into strategic insights has distinguished us, allowing our clients to navigate market challenges with confidence.

As we evolved, recognizing the dynamic nature of the digital landscape, we strategically shifted our focus to data extraction through advanced web scraping techniques. This move enables us to meet the expanding needs of our clients, offering a comprehensive approach to digital transformation.

Today, we stand as a comprehensive solutions provider, catering to a diverse clientele across various industries.

Our Values

At TechFraser, our values are the bedrock of our identity and the compass for our actions.


We're driven by innovation, always on the lookout for creative ways to solve problems with technology.

Customer Focus

Customer focus is at the heart of what we do; we aim to understand your needs and surpass your expectations.


Quality is non-negotiable; we're dedicated to delivering precise data Extraction and insights every time.


We're driven by innovation, always on the lookout for creative ways to solve problems with technology.


Integrity is the foundation of our relationships; we operate with transparency and honesty to build trust and forge lasting partnerships.

Reasons To Partner with TechFraser

8 Year's Experience

Data Extraction and BI specialist for over 8 years, with hundreds of companies successfully helped in different sector (B2B and B2C).

Endorsed by Industry Leaders

Businesses of various sizes, from small startups to large corporations, have entrusted us with their data extraction and analytics needs, a testament to our proven capabilities.

Bespoke Solutions

Customized BI or Data Extraction, solutions we craft is as unique as a bespoke suit, tailored to align seamlessly with your specific objectives and requirements.

Expert Core Team

Our select team at TechFraser is composed of elite professionals, each bringing a wealth of experience in data analytics and programming.

Continuous Assistance

Our commitment ensures you benefit from a reliable partnership that delivers exceptional outcomes without any risk of inefficiency or time loss.

Streamlined Communiation

Experience straightforward and direct communication with us. We eliminate the hassle of middlemen, ensuring you always have a direct line to your dedicated point of contact.

Insourcing VS Outsourcing

One of the great dilemmas in business is deciding what to do in-house and what to outsource?


The pros of doing it in-house is that you have integrated people inside your business making decisions in collaboration with other team members. You have control of the process and timings.

In-House Expertise

If you lack in-house expertise for data extraction and advanced analytics, consider either hiring dedicated professionals or engaging a specialized service provider like TechFraser.


Outsourcing allows you to scale your operations up or down quickly in response to changing business needs, without the constraints of hiring and managing additional staff.

Cost Efficency

Outsourcing your Web extraction and BI services to TechFraser can significantly reduce overhead costs associated with hiring and training in-house staff, as well as ongoing maintenance expenses.


By outsourcing to us, you gain access to a diverse team of specialists with expertise in various technologies and domains, ensuring that your projects are handled by seasoned professionals.

Cost Challenge

Building capability in-house can require an investment in time, people and training. And there is often a time lag to employ and skill up resources (who often still need external support, costing more money and time).

Our Clients

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